Buttons for reversible actions vs irreversible actions
Buttons for reversible actions vs irreversible actions
Helping Hands is the product of the university lecture, User Centered Design.

At the time this project took place (2020, spring), the main topic was the Covid-19 pandemic. Many people felt lonely, or needed help with tasks around the house like grocery shopping or walking pets. 
The application is called Helping Hands, which refers to the purpose of it. It is a tool for helping connect people who offer help and those who need help. The target group are socially sensitive people from the age of 16 years, with a smart phone and internet connection, living in a town or city.
The aim of the project was creating something that people would need and use. To reach this, several interviews were conducted before the design phase.
To create the most optimal application, the prototype was tested multiple times at different design phases and updated according to the results of the tests.

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